Biological Engineering and Small-scale
The engineering sciences are undergoing a vast and fundamental metamorphosis from isolated disciplines to more integrative and multidisciplinary topics. Our emphasis offers individualized research-based programs of study in synergistic areas of biological engineering and materials engineering, leading to the Master's of Science or doctoral degrees under UC Merced’s Individual Graduate Program (IGP). Research projects are available on topics ranging from fundamental characterization of materials to tissue engineering, and coursework provides a background in the tools of biologics and integration of modern materials.
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is for students ready to engage in cutting-edge research that crosses disciplines. Our faculty members and students actively seek to uncover new knowledge in related areas from robotics and mechatronics to computational neuroscience and animation.
Environmental Systems(ES)
Environmental Systems faculty members are affiliated with the schools of Engineering, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. A diverse group, our faculty members, graduate students and research scholars share interests in trans-disciplinary research of natural and human-impacted environmental systems involving:
- water, soil, air and climate science and engineering
- ecology, ecosystems and biodiversity
- sustainable energy and resource economics
- natural resource science, policy and management
Degree programs integrate scientific principles underlying the function and sustainability of natural and engineered environmental systems, as well as the policies affecting them.
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Mechanical Engineering is dedicated to the education of a new generation of mechanicists and researchers who aim to master the fundamentals of the mechanical sciences — including disciplines such as continuum mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer and energy conversion — while being exposed to the forefront of research techniques, methodologies and equipment to solve problems that are relevant to modern society, such as green energy, mechanical modeling and synthesis, robotics and mechatronics, control systems and more.