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Support and Resources for School of Engineering Graduate Students at UC Merced

Are you looking for information about resources available to graduate students? We have compiled a list of useful information that will help you get the information you need.

Maybe you just need to know when and how to file paperwork. Perhaps you'd like to connect with other graduate students or find a paid position to support yourself. And there are times you'll need the support and advice from others to make it through a difficult time.

Whatever you might need, the School of Engineering and the campus offers many resources to support you! If you ever need assistance, please feel free to contact the SoE Graduate Staff!

Student Services


Policies and Procedures


Safety & Transportation

Reporting Safety Issues

The University's goal is to prevent all workplace injuries and illnesses, adverse environmental impacts, and property losses or damage. Achieving this goal is the responsibility of every member of the University community.

Type of Issue to be Reported Not In Immediate Danger In Immediate Danger
Lab Issues (Research or Instructional)

CAT COPS: (209)228-2677
Lab Manager Luke Reed 

Lab Manager:Luke Reed

EH&S Online Report

Building Issues 

CAT COPS: (209) 228-2677

Facilities Emergency #:(209)228-4218

FM Help 

Injuries, Incidents, Near Misses

CAT COPS: (209)228-2677

Lab Manager:Luke Reed 


UCM Incident Report